RVing has come a long way since it first started taking America by storm. Long gone are the days when it was reserved for retirees or drifters. More and more people are enjoying the RV lifestyle, with many coming from a younger generation and several families living on the road full time. Much of this is possible because of technology. People spread awareness of their love of the RV lifestyle by sharing pictures on social media and blogging about their experiences. They can live on the road thanks to mobile Internet. If you’re wondering how technology can help improve your RVing experience check out the great gadgets.
Nowadays everyone’s phone has GPS access, which is great, but the truth is the reliability of your phone’s GPS is only as strong as your phone’s connection to a cell phone tower. Purchase a high quality GPS from a company like Garmin or Tom-Tom that connects to a satellite. These GPS alert you when there is a traffic jam or accident ahead and reroute you the quickest way possible. They also can tell you where the nearest gas station or restaurant is. Be sure the GPS you look at comes with lifetime maps, so it’s constantly up-to-date on most recent road updates.
One of the most common fears new and seasoned RVers share is that of backing up their RV. It takes patience and practice to get the hang of backing up your RV and even after doing so you still have a significant blind spot that makes it a trying process. A backup camera allows you to fully see what is behind you, so you can maneuver your RV with ease. Never again will you have to worry about backing up over your kids’ bikes or that cooler you forgot to load. Some RVs are pre-wired for backup cameras, while others come standard with them. Many backup cameras can be attached to RVs as secondary parts after purchase, just make sure whatever one you choose is intended for this.
Around Me is a great app that allows users to search for gas stations, attractions, restaurants, bars, banks and more within a reasonable distance of your current location. It’s particularly useful when you’re in an area you’re unfamiliar with and want an uncomplicated way to get an idea of what resources are available to you.
Photo credit: By Darren Meacher (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons